Freelance Unity 3d senior developer

A graphic touch, a pragmatic spirit...

Development of mobile apps, pc, mac, 3d softwares, augmented reality, virtual reality (Magic Leap, Hololens, Oculus, HTC Vive...)
french Unity 3d developer

Senior multimedia developer, specialized in Unity 3d since 2009.
With a serious background of graphic designer (former Artistic Director), I am able to respond to very visual projects (or not ...), but also to bring my strong skills of developer (database, multiple languages, backend ...).
My passion: image and 3d

July 2023 client : Business Stratégie Communication

Sanofi JDP 2022

Application for a Sanofi stand during the JDP 2022 held in December 2022. The application works on a giant touchpad (approximately 4m²). In the center a terminal equipped with LEDs which symbolize the ignition. A series of 10 questions is asked to the doctors who answer using the carpet. Each correct answer calms the inflammation, and some LEDs turn off.The score is displayed at the end of the game.Four players can play simultaneously and independently of each other.
The stand was a great success during the show! Well done BSC.

The application was developed with Unity 2022.1.23f1. The LEDs are controlled by an Arduino nano controlled by Unity via USB.

February 2022

Sanofi CPLF 2022 Hololens

client : Business Stratégie Communication Category : Development

Hololens application for Sanofi Genzyme (via Business Stratégie Communication) on the occasion of the CPLF 2022 exhibition in Lilles (France). The application was developed for the Microsoft headset and intended for doctors at the show. It allows, thanks to augmented reality, the doctor to discover and diagnose a case of severe type II asthma.

The video capture does not pay tribute to the device because unfortunately Unity's URP (Universal Render Pipeline) is not properly supported for transparency at capture and black spots appear. Unfortunately, this does not correspond to the holographic effect that can be observed in the helmet. Let's hope that Microsoft/Unity fixes this pitfall quickly.

The MRTK library makes it possible to quickly and fairly easily use the features of the headset (management of hand controllers, voice recognition, iris detection, display of 3d in augmented reality space, close and remote interactions, scan of 3d environment, 3d occlusion etc...).

Made with Unity 2021.1.28f1 + MRTK 2.7.3 on Microsoft Hololens 2 headset

hololens 2 developer, Unity 3d developer, Augmented reality, realtime mapping

February 2022


client : Business Stratégie Communication Category : Development

Augmented reality application intended to describe the mechanisms of the HIV virus. I developed this internal application for MSD (via BSC). Once again, augmented reality on this application allows the user to be able to examine the virus's replication mechanisms interactively and from different points of view.

Many markers have been integrated in the app. Only one appears in the video.

Unity 3d developer, Augmented reality

January 2022

Sanofi Genzyme - Atopic dermatitis

client : Business Stratégie Communication Category : Development

Augmented reality application for the occasion of a trade show for Sanofi laboratories via Business Stratégie Communication. The application is an internal application for doctors on the show to understand the mechanisms of atopic dermatitis.The application was used mainly on iPad tablets, but it was also available for Android.

The app uses Vuforia for 2d marker recognition (2 markers only). I had to develop a camera movement smoothing system to avoid AR-related tracking shakes when moving too far away from the marker. The refraction shaders were made using Shader Graph (see my tests about it).
Unity 3d 2021.1.28f1 + Vuforia 10.3.2

Unity 3d developer, Vuforia developer

October 2021

Carrier Command 2 - Bear

Category : Lab

My son is a huge fan of Carrier Command 2. Having been a fan of the original Carrier command myself, more than 30 years ago from now on Atari ST, I decided to model one of the tanks in the game (the "bear") in order to print it.
The size of the model is quite small (about 10 cm) and the large number of details predestines it rather to resin printing (SLA). However, with a scale of 300% or more, it should be possible to do this on a filament printer (FDM).
A next post will be devoted to the printed version soon.
In the meantime, you can download the model for free at Thingiverse.

3d modeling, carrier command, resin printing

September 2021

Aquacel Quiz (webgl)

client : Business Stratégie Communication Category : Development

BSC asked me to develop a clinical case study for Convatec in order to highlight their products. The case can be viewed on internet via webGl. It is mac/pc compatible, but also tablets/smartphones.

Questions are asked such as multiple choice question, drag'n drop ... and the answers are counted. An avatar gives a full answer and development to each question.

Statistics are displayed to the customer via a backoffice that I have developed for the occasion (number of connections over a period, statistics of connections by access from urls over a period, level of progress on the quiz, time spent on the module, ratio of right/wrong answers on each question, number of attempts per unique user, conversion rate on webinar access, statistics of os used).

The module has been developed with Unity 2021.1.11f1 (webgl), and the backoffice was developed with php / mysql / html / jQuery. The graphs are produced with CanvasJS.

Unity freelance developer, pharmaceutical industry

September 2021

Convatec Experts

client : Business Stratégie Communication Category : Development

An ambitious project: Convatec Experts is a PC / Mac / iOs / Android software that allows Convatec salespeople to schedule videoconferences with nurses to discuss and carry out clinical case studies in 3d. These case studies are punctuated by qcm and the answers are given either by an avatar, or by the facilitator himself via the video. The software is controlled at each of the users by the animator. The exchanges take place directly. Scores are counted individually. The animator has the possibility to trigger a case from a list of available cases and to monitor its progress as it goes. Users can vote to select the case they prefer, manipulate the 3d to, of course, respond to the questions asked.

The different versions of the software (Windows, Osx, iOs, Android) are compatible with each other. The software was developed under Unity 2021.1.x, exchanges between users is provided by Photon engine (PUN), and video conferencing by webcam by Agora. Identification is provided by an online web service. This software is an internal software reserved for Convatec professionals.

This project took me a lot of work to put everything in place. The cases are dynamically loaded by Addressables which allows the cases to evolve and to add more later.
The compilation of the different versions is ensured by Unity Cloud Build which saved me some precious time.

visio chat Unity, Unity 3d developer, pharmaceutical industry software

April 2021

Lautaret projection table

client : Le Naturographe Category : Development

Still within the field of the Lautaret exhibition, Le Naturographe asked me to develop software that would display a video presenting the evolution of glaciers retreat in the region.The result is projected onto a 3d printed model of the corresponding mountains via a projector.

Control buttons stop the video and display an explanatory text (in three languages: French, English and Italian) at key dates. These buttons are controlled by an Arduino in conjunction with the software. I created a plate for the connection of the buttons, modeled and printed a 3d support for the whole.

The application (Windows) was developed under Unity 3d 2020.1.x + Arduino

Unity 3d developer, Arduino Unity, camera mapping

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